(Dedicated to Caitlin Murphy….who doesn’t know what Katie Hart was talking about)
It was a Friday afternoon. I was waiting for Sam to call me, because we were supposed to head to Seoul that night for some fun and adventures. As I was waiting, a knock was heard on my door. Thinking it was my neighbor Emily, because no one else ever knocks on my door, I went to go answer it. A Korean man and woman were standing there. Because their English was limited, they spoke slowly and carefully, and I realized they were trying to tell me about some religion. Of course I didn’t want any part of it, but I couldn’t just say “Get out of here crazies!!!” Maybe that would have been a little rude. I listened politely and when they asked if they could come in I said I was leaving soon to meet a friend. Of course, they pleaded and begged and being a nice person, I let them in. I told them I had to go soon though.
They sat down and started showing me pictures of a girl with a doily on her head. Then they showed me a doily. THEN they decided I should watch this YouTube video about their religion. It was a video, made of clips from different disaster movies (Day After Tomorrow, 2012, War of the Worlds, etc.) I can’t really remember the main point of the video, except that it stated that this religion didn’t celebrate Christmas or Sundays and probably something about the world ending (because of all the disaster movie scenes). This confused me a bit, but I went with the flow. Then they started reading me bible verses in English, which went really slowly because they couldn’t speak English. Then they explained to me that this was a good religion because you don’t have to celebrate Christmas. I don’t know WHY that was a good thing, but whatever floats your boat.
Finally, Sam called and I tried to tell them I had to go meet my friend now, and they needed to leave. Did that work? NOOOOO of course not. The guy started walking around my apartment, plugging in my hot water kettle while the lady sat there convincing me that it would only take a few more minutes. Fine fine fine whatever.
She read me some more bible until the guys said he was ready. They motioned me to the bathroom and told me I was going to have water on my head (like in the picture diagram with the girl and the doily). I said no no! I can’t! My hair! I’m about to leave for Seoul! “Only a little bit….don’t worry…” I just wanted them to leave so I said ok.
She ushers me into the bathroom where the man is waiting there with a sink full of warm water from my electric kettle. He’s wearing the bathroom slippers, because the floor of the bathroom is all wet from my shower earlier. Then he tells me to get on my knees in my own bathroom on the wet floor. I look at him like he’s crazy. “Down there?” I say with a skeptical look on my face. That’s when the woman grabs MY towel off the wall and throws it to the floor so I can kneel on it. That made it all better. Just throw my clean down on the bathroom floor. Perfect. I’m a little ticked off, but I do what they say….I just want to leave. The guy tells me to get into “Prayer Mode” so I do. That’s when he grabs a cup of water…..and dumps it all over my head. Prayer mode was officially canceled and replaced with outrage and surprise! And it intensified with every cupful! I was drenched! In my own home! In the clothes that I was supposed to wear all weekend. And this was a big deal because I didn’t have many warm clothes in Korea! And Korea was cold!!! So much for my hair not getting wet! The guy just did not stop!
By the time he finished I was seething! I was tired of being nice! I was freezing! I didn’t even have a towel to dry off with….it was on the floor of my bathroom! They asked if I wanted some privacy for a moment so I could change into dry clothes. Since I would have to scavenge around for something not-so-smelly and that would take forever and all I wanted was for them to leave, I said no. I sat there on my living room floor, drenched, while they put a doily on my head, gave me a cracker and fruit juice, then prayed over me. After, they asked me to fill out some paperwork, which included a question about my ssn. Of course, you don’t want into my house, pour water all over me, give me a new religion, take away Christmas, throw doily’s on my head, and then expect me to give you my ssn. I made excuses. I told them I had to go. Finally they left.
I got redressed. I calmed down. And I met Sam to head for an adventure in Seoul.
So….moral of the story….(thanks to Katie Hart) is “Don't let strangers into your apartment, they will steal your holidays!”
Plus, I might save money this year with all the Christmas presents I don’t have to buy!
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